The pie-in-the-sky, in-my-wildest-dreams, shoot-for-the-stars-first-then-move-on agent I pitched last week wants the first three chapters of my novel.
The pie-in-the-sky, in-my-wildest-dreams, shoot-for-the-stars-first-then-move-on agent I pitched last week wants the first three chapters of my novel.
04 September 2009 in Adoption, Being the CEO of Shannon, Nat A-Go-Go | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
I am now number four in Nat's affections behind Cole and Babysitter J and now also--bumping Cole out of the top spot--J. Nat's new BFF made in three short days of school. End of story. J. is nearly six (Nat's class is 3-6-year olds) and she likes Nat, too. They ran around together at the ice cream social this evening, completely inseparable, both complaining loudly when it was time to part. It helps that I really like J's mother, M, too.
03 September 2009 in Nat A-Go-Go, Too Cool for School | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Nat is still "phasing in" at school. Selina went with me again today to wait for Nat on the playground. When it was time to go in and get her, I told Selina we were going to get sister.
She hovered by the classroom door waiting and waiting for Nat to come out and when Nat appeared, Selina threw her arms around her and gave her a huge, spontaneous hug, saying "sister! you are finished with school?"
02 September 2009 in Nat A-Go-Go, Selina Bambina, Too Cool for School | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Open House yesterday:
01 September 2009 in Family Values, Nat A-Go-Go, Too Cool for School | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
In a comment on my apocalypse post below, designermama wants my "tips" for early readers.
25 August 2009 in Baby Lessons, Being the CEO of Shannon, Nat A-Go-Go, Too Cool for School | Permalink | Comments (14) | TrackBack (0)
The kids went to get their eyes checked for the first time ever, last week.
27 July 2009 in Family Values, Nat A-Go-Go, Selina Bambina, The Political is Personal, Too Cool for School | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)
I was gonna call it, "How To Get Your Kids To Eat Kale" but thought better of it. Because kids--they're a mixed bunch. You just never know. Still, if you want your kids to eat kale and they don't eat it, you're welcome to try my technique.
Time was when Nat had leafy greens daily. Remember Green Supper? Ah the golden days of baby and toddlerhood! These days, I sneak frozen spinach into mac and cheese, spaghetti sauce, under the cheese on the pizza--otherwise they'd never get greens at all. (Selina might, but she suffers from second child syndrome and typically gets whatever Nat's getting, thus fewer greens than Nat got at her age.)
Anyway, I have some kale in one of my back porch window box planters. It's a variety called "perpetual spinach" because it's mild and can be used as a substitute for spinach,but is easier to grow and just keeps going all season.
I have cut it, cooked it, served it raw--none of these things got a thumbs up from the kids (they did from Cole and me, though). Instead, they'd chew it, spit it out, play with it, toss it on the floor and otherwise waste this awesome fresh green that should be in their little bodies fighting oxidants and making them super girls.
Until they were playing outside while I picked it. "I want a leaf!" declared Nat.
"What? This kale?" I asked.
"Yeah, the kale!" she said. I gave her a baby leaf. She gobbled it down. "I want anther one!" she begged.
By now, Selina was at my ankles, whining "Me too! Me too!" (her perpetual battle cry).
I stood there pulling them off one leaf at a time until my kale was cut back to the roots. They ate it with gusto. About every three days, I get enough mature leaves to repeat this and so far, they haven't caught on to the fact that this is the same thing they have rejected on a plate time and again.
Kale. The new Ice Cream Truck.
Give it try with yours and let me know how it goes!
14 July 2009 in Inch by Inch, Nat A-Go-Go, Selina Bambina, You Are What You Eat | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
25 June 2009 in Nat A-Go-Go, Selina Bambina, Too Cool for School | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
23 June 2009 in Inch by Inch, Nat A-Go-Go, You Are What You Eat | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Selina's second birthday has come and gone (Saturday) and was, I have to say, a huge success. She was aware this year, that she was the birthday girl (she remembered Nat's birthday from February and knew what it meant) and enjoyed--really for the first time in her life--a real place at center stage. Nat was a gracious supporting cast member and terrific big sister, helping (no, really just helping) Selina open her gifts and appreciate her cake. Well, Selina didn't really appreciate her cake at all. I had hoped she would recognize Sandra Boynton's hippopotamus, but for one reason and another, she didn't seem to.
08 June 2009 in Adoption, Baby Lessons, Family Values, Nat A-Go-Go, Selina Bambina | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)