I bought these shoes in Kansas City:
(Technically, they came from the Missouri side, but just barely, and I wore them in Kansas.)
Nat was extremely upset that I left town with Selina but not her. I suppose that's to be expected, but she had a heck of a grand time in my absence. She had her end-of-year school picnic to which both Josiah and Whitney took her. (Always keep the private school crowd guessing, is my new motto!) When Cole arrived, she took her to see Diana Ross in concert. Cole explained to Nat, when picking her up from school, that they would be staying up past bedtime, having popcorn for supper and seeing a very special show. At this, (so I'm told) Nat's eyes got very big and she asked, "Does Mama Shannon know?" Nat thinks even Cole needs the Mama Shannon Clearance for Fun. Then, it seems they had a picnic again on Sunday, featuring smoked salmon and cheese, both of which Nat loves. Then, Cole took her bike riding.
Then I came home and you would have thought she was locked in a closet for the past four days.
I will probably be going again soon, and I don't think either kid will be coming next time. A big part of Nat's distress was missing Selina. And while Selina had a grand time being an only child for a few days, she missed Nat a lot too. They both spent a lot of time talking and asking about each other.
It's going to be a weird summer, with lots of visits to Kansas City, as my father is going to be doing chemo for pretty much all of it. It would appear that he has cancer of an especially nasty type.
Other than that, gee, things are rosy. Selina will be three on Sunday. Can you believe that? (No, I know, you cannot. Me neither.) We're doing a low-key birthday zoo trip with a couple of friends and cake. Selina keeps changing her mind about what she wants on the cake, but it's always an animal. A sheep, a dog, a giraffe, an alligator, a lion, yadda yadda. I will probably either do a lion or a zebra.
I will show you the finished product. Selina is very excited about the whole thing and looking forward with great enthusiasm to the Dora underwear I promised her she would get to wear when she...you know the rest. I am unveiling said underwear at the birthday party for extra effect. I don't even like Dora, but Selina does and WHATEVER WORKS, right? Here's to a diaper-free family! Coming soon to a blog near you...
P.S. Yes indeed, your prayers, thoughts, candles, meditations on the void on behalf of my family would be awesome.