Happy Blog Reader Appreciation Day!
I hardly deserve a single remaining reader, as negligent as I've been of this blog since I started the Strollerderby gig. And don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the job and the chance to make some money doing something I kind of do anyway, but I do miss the self-selecting nature of personal blog readers here at Peter's Cross Station.
Thanks too, for being so supportive of my work over there. I truly appreciate it.
As both an appreciative gesture for readers and a pay-it-forward gesture based on having received gifts and hand-me-downs from readers, I'd like to give some stuff away.
I have three Foogo sippy cups that my kids have outgrown. They are a little faded around the edges, but really, they are quite durable and should last twenty more years. Mostly. Selina chewed up the spouts, so you'll have to get some replacements for those, which you can get here. So it isn't like a bright and shiny new thing, but given that these cups are $15 new and last forever, it's not a terrible deal. If you'd like to be in a drawing to receive them, leave a comment below noting so, and I'll do a random draw and send them to the winner.
If you don't need or want any sippy cups, leave a comment below and note that you'd like $40 of credit at my jewelry site and I'll do a separate random draw for that.
You can be in both drawings if you like, but if the same person happens to win both, I'll redraw so two different people will get something.
Sorry I can't give everybody a car. But really, I do truly appreciate you!