Yesterday, I lay in bed and writhed in misery while Jim, our houseguest, played with Nat and Selina slept uneasily at the foot of my bed.
When Cole got home, she raced Selina in for the afternoon appointment I made with a doctor (not ours) who was free on the last business day before a three-day weekend in a small town where the temperature has been hovering near 0 (fahrenheit) and there is a flu outbreak.
Selina, they say, has an ear infection and must take amoxicillin for ten days.
Bwah, wha, wha!!!
I would have kept her from antibiotics for longer. Nat has yet to have a 'cillin of any description enter her body and has the immune system of a horse.
But Selina had not kept anything--liquid or solid--down for a day and a half so off to the doctor I sent her.
You would think I'd have guessed an ear infection. But the only possible sign was a little ear scratching for a day or two, and given that she's also recently sprung three new teeth, I chalked it up to that. Aren't kids supposed to scream in misery when they have ear infections? Selina has pretty much been her usual Buddha-like smiley self with just a little extra fever-induced sleepiness and some fussing here and there because (I thought) she was hungry seeing as everything we gave her came back in a matter of minutes.
After a night of me in the rocking chair coaxing pedialyte into her, listening to her wheeze and sniffle, I sent her off again this morning to the after-hours clinic with Cole and Nat (who told us her "tongue hurts" poor baby!).
I am too sick to lift myself out of bed for more than ten minutes, let alone get dressed and present myself to a doctor in 0-degree weather, so I am hoping for second-hand, prophylactic antibiotics to fend off the sinus infection just waiting to grab me when the flu starts letting up.
I've decided it's flu. Too much fever for anything else.
Cole is still healthy so far, but knock wood for us, will you?